Insights For Heart-Centered Business Owners and Leaders
In the heart-expanding realm of past life regression hypnosis, I am grateful for the profound privilege of guiding souls through the expanded awareness their subconscious reveals, unveiling the stories woven into the fabric of what they perceive as their former selves. Because I believe time is not ...
"What is my Life Purpose?" This is a question I frequently hear from people interested in experiencing past life regression hypnosis or Life Between Lives Hypnotherapy sessions. It is natural to want to know more about yourself and the meaning behind your life when you feel a calling within you to e...
"Frequency" is one of those buzz words you might hear when talking about energy, vibration and consciousness.
Before discussing more about this, I want to preface by stating that this is only my personal opinion based on personal and professional experiences, and does not have to reflect the tr...
When you experience a past life regression hypnosis session, you want to get the most out of it. Here's How:
Gone are the days of having a past life regression session simply because it sounds "cool" or it might be a fun thing to do. More and more people are realizing that there is far more to p...
I often get asked questions such as, "Will I be unconscious?", "What does hypnosis feel like?", and "How do I know if I'm in hypnosis?".
The way the media has portrayed hypnosis, it is no wonder many people think it is something foreign and unfamiliar. Most people have been exposed to "stage" or...
Before I ever experienced a hypnosis session, I had a vision of what the experience was going to be - someone was going to "knock me out", that I would be completely unconscious, and they would extract information deeply hidden in my subconscious. Looking back now at the thoughts I had then, I have ...
You're plugging along with your life and your view of the world, when suddenly, something happens that cracks you open. It turns your inside out and upside down. What you thought of this life is no longer what you experience life to be. What you encountered feels more real to you than this reality ...
The first time I heard about past life regression hypnosis was when I read the book, Many Lives, Many Masters, by Dr. Brian Weiss. Coming from the world of western psychology myself, I was intrigued that someone could find relief and benefit from something like past life regression hypnotherapy.
Many people have heard of a NDE, or “near death experience”, but far less have heard of what is called a STE, or “spiritually transformative experience”. Yet, large amounts of people are having them and you might be one of them. This term was coined by Dr. Yvonne Kason in 1994.
A spiritually tr...
You might notice yourself being triggered by experiences you encounter or by things people do. You will know this effects you because you will find yourself feeling angry, fearful, frustrated, irritable or anxious. If you pay attention long enough, you might even begin to notice a pattern amongst wh...